10 Magical Holiday Happenings for 2017
Thought you might like some suggestions on "Things To Do" during the Holiday Season. If you have done any of them in the past, please share your experience with us on facebook. If you have any other suggestions, we would love to hear from you! Have a Wonderful Holiday...
“Auggie” Forever Home on the Cape
"Auggie" Formally~Vouni, is a 3 year old Beagle/Pointer. We were all so fortunate to have Auggie in our lives while at a Foster home in Marion. Auggie was born in Greece. He was homeless and lived at a resort with other four legged friends his first year of life. ...
Clean Water Bowls for our 4 legged & feathered friends!
What's the Clear Slime or sometimes even pink slime lurking in the water bowl? Ever rub your fingers on the inside of your pets water bowl and feel a slippery slime of sorts? Well, that invisible goo is called Biofilm. Biofilm is a collection of organic and...
“Audrey” Dog Walking in Onset
"Audrey" is an English Bulldog who is just a few months old! She is a little wiggle worm. It is always a challenge and a work-out for Marilyn to get her harness on. She is very smart and so well behaved for a puppy. At the Meet & Greet, her Mom had on rubber...
“Duke” Dog Walking & In Home Pet Sitting in Onset
"Duke" is a 15 year young Brittney Spaniel. Duke has spent most of his life living on a farm as a working dog. Recently, Duke retired from the farm and adopted his present master, Cheryl... Duke loves his new way of living!! When I went to the Meet & Greet, he...
“Molly & Marilyn Monroe” In Home Pet Sitting in Marion
Molly, 11 years old (tan). Monroe, (Marilyn Monroe) 9 years old (black & fabulously grey) are two Chihuahuas that reside in Marion. They moved here from AZ in the fall of 2014. They are not too fond of the long, cold winter we encountered last year. Molly...
“Watson & Ella” Dog Walking in Marion
"Watson & Ella" are two adorable Mini Labradoodle's.... Watson ~ 7, Ella ~ 6... They are very sweet little dogs! They are like live stuffed animals. So soft and cuddly. Watson is very sociable and Ella is Extremely Shy until she gets to know you. Once she...
“Ernie & Dave” Dog Walking in Wareham
"Ernie" is a 4 y.o. 107# Great Dane/Lab Mix. He stole the heart of Kimmi and Tom at their Meet & Greet! He can be a little intimidating at first, but he really is ~ just a big baby. He looks forward to his daily walks to the park or the beach..... The...
“Rubee & Rylie” In Home Pet Sitting in Wareham
Rubee~12 y.o. Mungrel (Little Wolf) & Rylie~ 7 y.o. Schnauzer/Westie are housemates in Wareham. Rylie, with her bold, confident and eager demeanor is definitely the alpha in this household. Rubee just goes with the flow. They thoroughly enjoy each others...
“Red” In Home Pet Sitting on Cape Cod
"Red" is a Majestic "Australian Shepherd." Red will be 10 years old in May! He just wants to be with you! Doesn't matter what you are doing or where you are going. Absolutely cherishes his daily walks. He can walk for miles!! He has Excellent Manners and is as...
“Tucker” Dog Walking & Pet Sitting in Wareham
Tucker is an 8 month old Havanese! He is so much fun to be with! I had the pleasure of caring for him for two full days! He is a smart little guy and knows how to work a room!! He loves to walk and ride in the car! His happiest moments are when he is in...
“Hollie, Mitzie, Chet & Chase” In Home Pet Sitting in Mattapoisett
"Hollie, Mitzie, Chet & Chase!" Such nice dogs & kitty cat! They are extremely loyal to their masters! The family usually takes the dogs with them when they vacation, but last spring I was honored to stay with all of them for an overnight! Hollie, the...
The Committee for “Barnstable Dog Parks” 2015 Calendar
I entered several photos in a contest to be featured in "Barnstable Dog Parks" 2015 Calendar. Three of my images were chosen!! Mia & Mondo (2 Black Labs) Brewster & Piper (2 pugs) and Joey & Bailey (English Lab, American Lab) If interested in ordering a...
“Molli” In Home Pet Sitting in Marion
The adventures of "Molli"!!! I experienced many "Firsts" with Molli. Molli is a Black Lab who just turned one in Sept 2014. Everyday was an adventure! She was extremely entertaining!! Exhausting, but entertaining!! Molli could, and did, clear a counter in 30...
“Mia & Mondo” In Home Pet Sitting in Wareham
Mia & Mondo are 1 year old Black Lab Siblings!! Best Friends Forever!! They share Everything!! They eat out of the same bowl, drink out of the same dish, sleep in the same crate and share all their toys, even their Frisbee!! When they aren't running around...
Bandit & Bailey In Home Pet Sitting in Marion
Bandit~10 & Bailee 6 years old are two Shih Tzu's from Marion. These two adorable dogs are so much fun to be with. They are like having live stuffed animals. They are very affectionate and playful! I love the reception I get when I arrive. They are always so...
“Mollie” In Home Pet Sitting in Acushnet
"Mollie" is a sweet, lovable and cuddly, 5 year old, 80# Boxer!!! She has a beautiful silky, satiny, Brindle coat that glistens in the sunlight! She loves playing fetch in her huge fenced in back yard! She has 4 squeaky tennis balls that all appear to be the same...
“Why Dogs are Better than Boyfriends” Series ~ #1
They're great listeners. Whether you're dealing with a hard day at work, a jealous friend, or an over-bearing mother- you always have their uninterrupted attention!!
“Zoe” from Wareham
"Zoe" is such a sweet, kind, loving & gentle soul. It doesn't matter how long it has been since I have seen her, she greets me like I am her "Best Friend!!" Always so happy to go for a walk. We meet barking dogs behind fencing while we are walking and she could...
“Barney” from Mattapoisett
"Barney" is a Boston Terrier Rescue about 8 or 9 years old! Barney likes routine, although he has to be coaxed a little to go for a walk! He knows....lunch is waiting!! He is a distinguished gentleman. His expressions are priceless!! One of the few dogs that wait at...